Fire Dragon Australia Participates in Multicultural Events

On 17 February, Fire Dragon Australia had a stall at the ACT’s National Multicultural Festival and put on a demonstration as part of the Chinese New Year Celebrations. As a regular participant of the Festival, our relationship with the Chinese community is always welcomed and the opportunity to explain and our services translates to  more memberships to the local kung fu clubs in the the Canberra areas.

On 04th May Fire Dragon also  particpated in the 2019 Connect and Participate Expo, run by the ACT Government. This is an opportunity for clubs and societies of all kinds to present to Canberrans ways that they can find fulfillment with organised activities. Our active involvement is seen as support for the ACT Government. However, it is another opportunity to engage with members of the public and help them become aware of Chinese martial arts as accessible options. This year, they were the only martial arts organisation taking part, and had a good steady stream of enquiries at their stall.